City police plans records system overhaul with ECMecosystem engagement.

Strategic Initiative
With their on-premises content system no longer supported, the City of Redmond Police Department needed a fast solution for maintaining, accessing, and sharing police reports and records. The new system needed to integrate with Spillman case management software, guarantee document-level security and user access, and meet the compliance standards of the FBI’s Criminal Justice Information System (CJIS).
Solution Plan
ImageSource conducted an ECMecosystem™ analysis to document current workflows and identify desired improvements – including costs and labor-hour projections. The ECMecosystem engagement resulted in a clear migration plan for the City of Redmond to follow. Based on the analysis, officials made an informed budget and resource decision to migrate criminal justice records to a cloud-based Software as a Service solution.
Investment Return
“The ImageSource ECMecosystem process helped us understand our needs fully, and gave us confidence in ImageSource and their ability to deploy the right solution for the City of Redmond,” said Dan Werr, Senior Systems Analyst and COR Project Manager.