Temperature Checking Your Content Migration

By ImageSource Team on September 10, 2021

Whatever stage of the content migration process you’re in – whether selecting your new system or running final tests – set aside time to regroup and ensure the entire Project Team is on the same page. Migrations are high-value ventures with a lot of moving parts, so it’s important to check in and regularly take the project’s temperature. Things can and will get messy if you’re not paying attention.

Smiling, adult woman with wavy hair working on computer in bright modern office

At ImageSource, we have guided stakeholders at all types of organizations to the best solutions for their budget, timelines, and requirements for 30 years. We understand the complexities of migration and modernizaiton. We consistently see that it pays to take a step back and evaluate at every stage in the process, whether to reaffirm your technology choices or troubleshoot mid-project roadblocks.

Keep the target in sight

First step: take a minute to review your project outline and defined goals. Our project managers and teams typically hold workshops during this time – reserving time to check status, obstacles or delays, and document action items and due dates. The goal is to gain progress efficiency and prevent feature creep throughout the project.

Unnecessary features can bog down workflows and create more steps or clicks for users. It might seem far off now, but as products continue to version up and more functions become available and included in products, this is a genuine problem. During the workshops, stakeholders address these issues and guide the right decisions for their organization. Have you reviewed what’s happened during your project and what’s coming next? Try a workshop. While evaluating, don’t forget to check in with the end-users; business process automation is only helpful if used!

During and after the workshop where we confirm requirements, our next objective is to review the products available and select the best one for you. It could be ILINX that covers all the defined requirements or a combination of technologies. There may be several out-of-the-box software options that fulfill meet the needs of your project.

However, most organizations, small or large, have unique business processes and require configurable workflow options, database links, or specific security requirements. Software with this functionality ranges in licensing, software, and implementation costs. The most important thing-make a choice and follow through with it. Get the implementation work started, so your migration is pointed in the correct direction from the start.

Again, it is crucial to identify the requirements from the beginning. When the organization reviews the software demos and proofs of concept, keeping requirements front-of-mind helps you select the best and most cost-efficient solution. After the workshop, one of our best practices is a daily stand-up/scrum meeting. It’s a quick five minutes with the team in front of a (real or digital) whiteboard. This is an opportunity to exchange notes on the obstacles your staff is experiencing and find ways to resolve them.

Pick a time either early in the workday or at the end to gather the players and share notes. Keep the agenda simple to see completed tasks and if timelines are coming together. Excellent team collaboration and problem-solving become second-nature when your meetings are consistent.

Need help keeping your migration journey on track? Contact us to a connect with a process innovation expert who can help guide your migration to successful completion.


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