ILINX Analytics

Generate insight from your complex data.

Every day organizations generate unstructured information in a variety of formats: eForms, documents, email, audio, and video files. The ability to transact on that information and gain insight is a challenge because each data type and input channel can force the creation of silos. ILINX Analytics easily turns any data type into insight – regardless of format or capture source.
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Technical Highlights

1. Take control with interactive user-driven drill down and filtering
2. Visualize data using charts types including area, pie, donut, bar, and line graph
3. Tailor unique dashboards to different user roles
4. Capture from multiple modes: eForms, document, lists, views
5. Customize the look to match your website designs

Create insight in minutes

Graphically-rich dashboards are great – as long as creating them doesn’t take ages and an advanced degree. ILINX Analytics gives you the power of advanced data visualization without coding. Simply pick your dashboard type, select widgets and data sources and you’re done.

Unify your reporting

Using different tools based on data type means you only get a part of the complete picture. ILINX Analytics enables reporting and visualization in one place – consolidating all your complex data from eForms and documents to lists and even video.

Customize without complexity

Many reporting and visualization tools achieve simplicity by restricting what you can do. ILINX Analytics allows you to create any type of report or data visualization using a variety of charts without increasing complexity or limiting your choices.

Real-World Applications:

Monitor Process Health

Monitor the status and identify bottlenecks for any process.

Report Trends

Collect and report trends from paper and eForm data.

Interdepartmental Reporting

Easily communicate key data via shareable reports.