County office boosts efficiency while saying ‘goodbye’ to hardcopy documents.

Pierce County, Washington lgo
Overall, this has allowed us to streamline processes and become more efficient.”
~ Administrative Officer, Pierce County Assessor-Treasurer

Strategic Initiative

The office of the Pierce County Assessor-Treasurer was drowning in paper. Staff brought in a stack of tax forms from the County Auditor’s office every day. Documents were shared among colleagues via photocopies, resulting in numerous duplicates and no version control. Public Records officers went desk- to-desk to fulfill information requests, and paper storage took up hundreds of cubic feet.

Solution Plan

The solution was a conversion process with the ILINX platform. ImageSource helped scan more than a million documents and trained Assessor-Treasurer employees to capture day forward incoming documents. ILINX Export delivered extracted data to the department’s content- management platform. Finally, the project team automated business processes with custom workflows.

Investment Return

Pierce County reclaimed both office space and labor hours previously spent locating documents. The solution enabled Assessor-Treasurer staff to access consistent records from their desktops and helped the Public Records officer stay compliant with FOIA regulations. It delivered greater-than-expected value as new data allowed management to track performance and set measurable goals for the future.

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