Home health workers capture critical documentation with ILINX Cloud.

VITAS Healthcare logo

Strategic Initiative

VITAS Healthcare workers provide in-home hospice care and need to collect vital patient information from the field. Handling nearly 2 million documents annually, VITAS recognized that its paper-based system slowed processing and introduced data vulnerabilities. The company needed a secure, cloud-hosted document solution designed to be user-friendly for employees with varying levels of technical proficiency.

Solution Plan

ImageSource designed a remote documents process solution optimized for familiar devices. First, the ILINX Capture Mobile app allows workers to photograph documents and upload them on the spot with any additional data required. ILINX Capture Workflow then routes documents to a review queue after which they are released to an electronic medical records system. Finally, ILINX Content Store enables document storage and management.

Investment Return

With its ILINX Cloud document- intake solution, VITAS Healthcare has reduced average processing turnaround from 7 days to 1. The time savings pays off with faster billing and payment cycles. The solution also ensures HIPAA compliance while eliminating the data loss and privacy risks of lost or damaged documents. ILINX process innovation exceeds the company’s return on investment goals by reducing paper handling millions of pages per year.

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