Top 3 Benefits of Integrating eForms Into Your Business Process

By ImageSource Team on April 7, 2022

Is your organization still using paper or PDF forms to collect and onboard information from your customers, clients, or teams? We know most organizations are struggling with staffing resources and backlogs of work. Receiving a PDF can add to the pile or represent a manual effort of a staff member to transfer information into a system of record. PDFs can also mean frustration for your customer or constituent. Do they have the right tool to complete the form? Do they know the status of their interaction with you? Technology and automation solutions are the answer and way out from those pressures.

Streamline Business Processes with eForms

Integrate eForms at any point in your current business processes and systems. Share critical information between multiple departments and line-of-business applications. An organization-wide integration or expansion drastically improves business processes, traceability, and analytics while eliminating reliance on paper or manual steps. ImageSource has worked with California Courts to enable their team to build stellar forms and provide end-to-end solutions for customer partners. This year we took the time to revise our internal forms processes for onboarding employees, leave requests, and expense reimbursement with ILINX. The user-friendly format looks like its paper counterpart and is accessible from anywhere, any device, and any browser. When you change eForms, the door opens to many other advantages.

Benefits of Integrating eForms

1-Improved Accuracy

Unlike paper and PDF forms, eForms can ensure all required fields are complete and information is formatted correctly. With a simple checkbox, your eForms can automatically perform validation checks when a user submits a document into the system. Ensuring the information you gather is accurate and complete is critical to the decision-making process. Database look-ups sound complicated, but truly leverage the investments you’ve already made in business intelligence. Database look ups+eForms mean only correct data is collected and is immediately ready to share with your systems and users.

2-Efficient Workflows

Routing the data as soon as a user completes the eForm enables 24/7 self-service – kicking off workflows and creating a trackable process. Routing a paper form depends on in-office interaction. Is that reliable for your organization? Is it even currently possible?

When an eForm routes with even the most straightforward workflow, there is immediate visibility. A transparent progress map lets you see the location, status, and owner via search or user dashboards. If you notice a document stalled in a queue or inbox, it can trigger alerts or be automatically re-routed for processing.

3-Cost Savings

Return on investment (ROI) is achieved and measurable by reducing labor costs, staffing, and office space costs. You will clarify these savings by assessing your existing processes. Be sure to count the clicks required of customers and staff and the average times of manual processes. Did you know there’s a known cost of $150.00 to replace a lost document? When all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed, there are fewer abandoned transactions, and your team has decision-making information available.

Are you ready to expand with ILINX eForms?

As you start the process, we’ve got a tool to help you prioritize your projects based on compliance, funding, document security, and backlog. You may know the process that needs immediate attention intuitively, or your goal may be to automate everything. We believe strongly in an assessment-based approach, and an “early technology win” phased approach. Usability and user acceptance must come first. Once you’re successful with your initial eForm migration project, use your gained experience to scale up into a fully automated environment.

Learn more about ILINX eForms and some of the customer-partners who are using them to revolutionize processes. Are you interested in our Project Priority Calculator? Contact us, and we’ll send it to you.


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